What is a Green Star Certificate?
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism published the Communiqué No. 2008/3 on “Granting Environment Friendly Accommodation Facility Certificate to Accommodation Facilities with Tourism Management Certificate” in order to protect the environment, to develop environmental awareness, to encourage and encourage the positive contribution of touristic facilities to the environment within the scope of sustainable tourism. It was published in the Official Gazette dated 2008 and numbered 27005 and entered into force.
This communiqué aims to reduce the consumption of energy, water, environmentally hazardous substances and waste, increase energy efficiency, encourage the use of renewable energy resources, plan and realize the accommodation businesses in an environmentally friendly manner starting from the investment stage, adaptation of the facility to the environment, environmentally beautifying regulations and activities, ecological activities. It covers architecture, raising awareness about environmental awareness, providing training and cooperating with relevant institutions and organizations.
The purpose of the communiqué is to protect the environment, to develop environmental awareness, to encourage environmentally friendly construction and management features in touristic accommodation establishments.
ECOBUILD provides consultancy services to accommodation facilities that meet the basic criteria determined in the application principles of the form, upon the request of touristic enterprises working on environmental awareness, and ensures that the facilities obtain this certificate.
Among the facilities exceeding the minimum score determined for their type and class, the stars showing their classes on the plaques of the accommodation facilities with a symbol are arranged in green. In addition, there is the phrase Environment Friendly Facility on the plaque.
The facilities that have received the Environmentally Sensitive Accommodation Facility (Green Star Symbol) Certificate can contribute to the protection of the environment, while at the same time creating a privilege in their promotion and marketing, contributing to their businesses and the economy of our country without sacrificing their service quality, and the role they will undertake in the protection of the environment. they are evaluated.