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SITES Certified

Eco-Friendly Parks

SITES Certificate reduces water consumption, rainwater flow, energy consumption, heat island effect, improves natural life and air quality, protects human health.

SITES Sertifikası Nasıl Alınır?

SITES is the most comprehensive system for creating sustainable and climate change-resistant urban green space projects.


What SITES Certified Parks Provide

It allows the city to adapt to climate change.

Rating System for Environmentally Sensitive Green Areas

The SITES Certificate is a certificate for urban green spaces. The SITES Certificate is a certification program that rates sustainability issues that can be developed in green areas such as flood reduction, adaptation to climate change, carbon storage, ie creating a carbon sink. The SITES Certificate has been created through years of research and development by leading professionals in the fields of soil, water, vegetation, materials and human health. SITES, the only certification system given to green spaces in the world, is an important area of ​​expertise that concerns city planners, architects, landscape architects and related engineering branches. Environmental practices, especially by local governments in the green areas of cities, will ensure the city's adaptation to climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the species in the city, and make the city resistant to disasters.


ECOBUILD provides consultancy services on SITES Certification with authorized SITES AP experts. Please meet with ECOBUILD's experts and get consultancy service for your project.


The SITES Certificate encourages project teams to be flexible and creative while developing beautiful, functional and sustainable works by offering performance criteria for green spaces and supporting the specific conditions of each project area. You can get information about SITES Certified Projects from ECO-Blog.


SITES certified green spaces or recreation areas help reduce water demand, filter and reduce rainwater runoff, protect and develop wildlife habitat, reduce energy consumption, improve air quality, improve human health and increase recreational activities in urban open spaces.


The SITES Certificate is based on a point system. The number of points a project earns determines the level of certification it receives. The SITES Certification process ensures that projects are compared with performance criteria. This process is done through SITES Online, a simplified tool designed to save a project. SITES Online offers tables and worksheets to assist with project documentation and keep track of projects from start to finish. All certification processes take place online.


SITES Certificate ranks and scores are presented below.

  • SITES Certificate, 70-84 points

  • SITES Silver, 85-99 points

  • SITES Gold, 100-134 points

  • SITES Platinum, 135+ points

SITES Certified Parks comply with LEED Certificate.

SITES and LEED rating systems are complementary to each other and can be used independently or in combination. If you want your project to be certified to both SITES and LEED, you can benefit from the synergy between them. This will increase the success of the project. As a reminder, the LEED rating system is applied to your project building and the land where your building is located, while the SITES rating system is applied to everything on your site outside of your building (with a few exceptions).


To learn more about how the SITES Certification interacts with the LEED BD + C Green Building Certificate and the LEED ND Neighborhood Development Green Urbanism, Green Urban Transformation Certification systems (v4 / v2009) and how it becomes easier to get certification, download the LEED-SITES Synergies documents here. Please also note that a project that earns SITES Gold certification automatically earns credits in the Sustainable Sites category in LEED v4.


Compliance with Sites Certificate

The SITES certificate is valid for new greenfield construction projects as well as existing parks with major restorations. Ideally, registration should be for a project completed within the last two years to ensure that the team has access to the necessary documentation to achieve credit compliance. There is no maximum size for a SITES Certificate project, but is set at a minimum of 185.8 square meters (or 2,000 square feet). The SITES Certificate can be applied to various types of projects around the world (with or without buildings), including:

  • Green areas, parks, recreation areas, botanical gardens, arboteriums

  • Roadside green areas and squares

  • Commercial or corporate campuses

  • Green areas belonging to residential areas

  • Education campuses: Public and private campuses, university and educational institutions, museum and hospital campuses


SITES Certificate Stages

  1. SITES Consultant: Meet with ECOBUILD authorized SITES experts and get consultancy service for your project.

  2. Registration: Have your project registered by ECOBUILD and start working on your green project.

  3. Application: Let ECOBUILD document your project and prepare it for review.

  4. Investigation: Let your project be examined, if there are any questions of the review team, they are answered by ECOBUILD and information about the project is provided.

  5. Certificate: Get your project certificate after the final examination.

The Benefits of SITES Certificate for Local Governments

Local governments can evaluate their current situation in line with the SITES Certificate guide and can project green areas in their cities at superior norms in parallel with the technological development in the world. The city is making huge gains thanks to the SITES Certified green spaces.

  • The water consumption of the parks is decreasing, the expenses of the project owner are decreasing, natural water resources are protected. The economy, health and environment are protected.

  • Rainwater flow is regulated, flooding is prevented, underground resources are fed

  • Natural habitat in green areas is protected and developed

  • Energy consumption in green areas decreases, city's carbon emissions are falling

  • City air quality improves, noise level decreases

  • City sports activities are increasing

  • Green spaces contribute to improving human health

  • Increasing recreational activities in urban open spaces

  • With the SITES Certificate guides, the current situation of the city on adaptation to climate change and green urbanism can be evaluated at international standards.

  • With the SITES Certificate guides, the deficiencies of the city in adaptation to climate change and green urban planning can be determined, and measures to be taken in international norms are established against these.

  • The long-term upper-scale plan decisions in the city and the measures to be taken in the new plans are determined according to the Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan and Green Urbanism criteria.

  • Cities are able to measure their CO2 emissions, thereby establishing their carbon reduction policies, what action plan they can achieve, and even future zero carbon targets for the city. Today, many world metropolises such as Berlin, Sydney and Chicago have announced their goal of becoming a carbon-zero city in 2050.


Designate Your Consultant for the SITES Eco-Friendly Parking Certificate

  • SITES Certificate, LEED Certificate, Green Urbanism Projects, Calculation of City Emissions in International Norms and Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans must be worked with an expert and competent consultant firm with City and Regional Planning Expertise. LEED for Cities is an essential area of ​​expertise in urbanism policy development.

  • ECOBUILD is the most experienced and leading company in our country on the SITES Certificate, Green Urbanism and Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans, Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory.

  • Start working with ECOBUILD, your expert advisor on SITES Certificate and Green Urbanism.

  • With its experience covering international and local standards, ECOBUILD provides consultancy services in projects in our country and abroad.


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