What is Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory ?
The Inventory of Greenhouse Gases is the determination of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted or absorbed into the atmosphere in accordance with international norms at city scale or specific to a selected limited region with a technical report.
Cities around the world generate 70% of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that trigger climate change. Cities need to act quickly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change. Reliable greenhouse gas emissions data provide guidance in planning effective city-level climate action.
The Inventory of Greenhouse Gases is the determination of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted or absorbed into the atmosphere in accordance with international norms at city scale or specific to a selected limited region with a technical report. The Greenhouse Gas Inventory includes the sources, quantities of gases and the time period in which these gases are released. Greenhouse gases result from the activities and land changes within the city and the hinterland that serve it. Energy, transport, waste, trade, housing and industry are the main sources of greenhouse gases in the city. Once cities have obtained their greenhouse gas inventories, they can also make related mitigation scenarios and action plans.
Cities must obtain their current greenhouse gas emission inventories while creating future climate change adaptation scenarios and projections. Adaptation to Climate Change strategies start with the Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The Greenhouse Gas Inventory should be calculated and reported in accordance with international norms. Making a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Climate Change Adaptation Scenarios and Action Plans is the first step of the studies:
Analyzing and determining the emissions from different sectors
Determining the base emission of the city, working on it for improvement, making future predictions
Setting realistic goals to reduce emissions from the city in the future
Determining sector-based supports, incentives and actions, establishing and measuring policies
Making comparisons with other cities, adapting good examples applied in other cities
Providing a safe computing environment for city managers and investors, increasing the city's reputation
Providing an attractive investment environment for the investors who will come to the city, ensuring their compliance with environmental policies
Providing an improved communication with residents and businesses in the city
The United Nations and compliance worldwide with a very similar initiative and organization I sağlanmas
Local governments take the first step of Climate Change Adaptation Plans when they obtain City Greenhouse Gas Inventories. When it determines the current CO 2e emissions at the city scale, the necessary steps to be taken to reach the green city norm in the future are also revealed.
City Greenhouse Gas Inventories are a key tool for decision making. It is a starting point for planning mitigation actions and evaluating policy impacts for the city's planning for Climate Change Adaptation and Green Urbanism.
The long-term upper-scale plan decisions in the city and the necessary measures to be taken in the new plans are determined according to the results of the Climate Change Adaptation (Adaptation) Action Plan and Green Urbanism criteria and the Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
Cities measure their CO 2e emissions, establish their carbon reduction targets and policies, and determine with which action plan they can achieve this target. Even a future zero carbon target can be established for the city concerned.
City-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories are an accounting and reporting standard for cities. Making these inventories to international standards provides cities with a strong, transparent, consistent and globally accepted framework for identifying, calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions in cities.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Why Measure?
City Greenhouse Gas Inventories are a key tool for decision making. Adaptation to Climate Change is a starting point for Green Urban planning, mitigation actions and evaluation of policy impacts.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
We Calculate in International Standards
City administrations should prepare the City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in accordance with international norms.
For the Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory study, the geographical boundary is determined at the first stage, the 12-month time period is determined, Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), Methane (CH 4 ), Nitrous oxide (N 2 O), optionally Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC); Perfluorocarbons (PFC); Sulfur (SF 6 ); Nitrogen trifluoride (NF 3 ) inventories are calculated. Fixed energy consumption, transportation and waste sectors are calculated as mandatory emission sources, and optionally, industrial processes and product use, agriculture, forestry and other land use are included in the calculations. The Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory can be made in two stages. The first is Basic-BASIC, the other is the Advanced-BASIC + level.
At BASIC level, Scope 1 deals with fixed fuel and energy consumption in the city, transportation, waste, in Scope 2 energy consumption from the national grid, and in Scope 3 waste emissions generated in the city and stored outside the city.
At the BASIC + level, in Scope 1, urban agriculture, forestry, industrial processes, fixed fuel and energy consumption, transportation, waste, energy consumption from the national network in Scope 2, waste emissions produced in the city and stored outside the city in Scope 3, Cross-border transport services, extra-urban energy transmission and distribution emissions are calculated.
Rapid urbanization and increased human activities cause an increase in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This situation causes global warming and climate change. City administrations should prepare the City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in accordance with international norms.