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Cities around the world must take a planned approach to adapt to climate change. Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan SECAP study should be carried out with urban planning and environmental engineering approaches.

Why You Should Work With Us

Climate Change Action Plans should be made in accordance with international standards and with the contribution of all disciplines affecting the city with holistic approaches.

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan is a work that local governments should prioritize. It should be prepared with city and regional planning and environmental engineering approaches and adapted to city strategic plans. SECAP should be realized with an interdisciplinary approach in planning coordination, and broad participation analyzes should be made. It is insufficient to address the climate change problem and city energy problem only with greenhouse gas emission calculations and a list of reduction actions that have become clichés. Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan should be prepared according to local needs, in accordance with international norms. ECOBUILD is an experienced company that provides professional consultancy services in our country on Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. Combating climate change should be aimed as a simultaneous fundamental goal in all city plans and local government service areas. ECOBUILD considers the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan as a plan that determines the necessary practices on the topics included in all city-wide plans, together with date targets, in addition to energy management, emission reporting and reduction policy. Spatial plans, like zoning plans, should also be considered in the context of the plan.​ In SECAP, climate change scenarios and expected climate change impacts in the city are presented. The city's carbon emission projection, reduction and adaptation policies are created for all sectors. Risks and vulnerabilities that may arise throughout the province are analyzed through participation meetings using software, and in addition to climatic fragility, sectoral vulnerabilities are addressed in the following contexts:

  • Energy Production and Distribution

  • Transportation and Logistics

  • Buildings and Construction Sector

  • Water resources

  • Solid and Liquid Wastes

  • Land Use and Sink Potential

  • Green Areas

  • Forestry, Bio-Diversity, Agriculture

  • public health

  • Public Infrastructure Services

  • Trade, Tourism and Social Structure

  • Industry and Production

  • Urban Planning and Zoning

Effects of Climate Change on Cities

The effects of climate change in cities in Turkey has started to see the rate increasing with each passing day.

Rapid urbanization and increasing human activities cause an increase in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This situation causes global warming and climate change. Climate change has many effects, but in general terms the following can be listed. See infographic

Increasing energy consumption and expenses throughout the city

Irregular rainfall and urban floods

Storms and extreme weather events

Landslides and landslides

Temperature increase and drought

Heat waves, increasing heat island effect

Sea water level rise

Sea swell on the seashore

Extinction of animal and plant species living in the city

People and ecosystems no longer have the means to survive


Cities in our country need to take measures to quickly adapt to climate change and prepare and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. Without adapting to climate change with current policies, it will become difficult to live in cities, and the quality of life will decrease due to flood and drought disasters as well as the inadequacy of infrastructure systems. In addition to all these, it is a necessity to reduce increasing energy costs, which are one of the most concrete effects of the changing climate.


Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans bring a new planning approach to urbanization, as well as topics such as durable infrastructures and low-emission consumption. This planning approach means determining green construction criteria in city plans and turning all decisions and practices necessary for climate change adaptation into action.

The decisions outlined above should be studied by project teams specifically for each city and should be reflected in all spatial and strategic plans.

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