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Pandemic Resistant Building Design

Global warming and the resulting climate change have taken the world's life to a new dimension. Making buildings and offices resistant to COVID-19 is not a choice but a necessity.

Pandemic and Infection Control in Buildings

What is Pandemic and Infection Resistant Building Design?

Global warming and the resulting climate change have taken the world's life to a new dimension. The world started to encounter epidemic diseases, which are one of the dangerous effects of climate change in the world, in the early 2000s. As a concrete example of this, Coronavirus disease started in 2019 and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world as an important pandemic threatening humanity.


Prevention of pandemics is essential to protect human health. Prevention of pandemics is not possible only with health measures. The design and planning of buildings and even cities should be done in a way that protects people from pandemics.


Today, people spend more than 90% of their lives in buildings and indoor environments. If the office environments of employees, residential environments, indoor environments of shopping malls, quarantine centers, hospitals, educational institutions buildings are not resistant to pandemic and infection, the possibility of transmission of diseases and therefore the transmission rate increases, and even the occupational health and safety environment cannot occur in the buildings.


Particle, product-based and partial solutions do not give results in order for buildings to be compatible with the pandemic. Buildings must be designed and built with a holistic approach for pandemics. ECOBUILD creates Pandemic and Infection Resistant Healthy Building Design service in accordance with international standards. It makes a holistic and multi-dimensional project in order to prevent pandemics in buildings. All works meet international norms, Green Building certification conditions such as WELL Healthy Building and LEED, and are energy efficient.


Calculation of Pandemic and Infection Resistant Healthy Building design with techniques in accordance with international norms and standards is a must for the validity of legal requirements on a global basis.

It is absolutely necessary to benefit from expert consultants for Pandemic and Infection resistance measures in buildings. Product-based and fragmentary approaches definitely do not give results.


Buildings have a direct impact on the health of their users. These effects include around 120 sick building syndromes, as well as very dangerously pandemics such as COVID-19. If the measures created with a holistic perspective in the buildings are not taken, the building users are exposed to infectious diseases in a very short time, cannot work during the long-term treatment process, health expenses burden the state and the employer, and even die in pandemics such as COVID-19. COVID-19 damaged the world economy 6 trillion USD in 6 months.


As the deteriorating climate will never revert to its former state, pandemics will continue to threaten humanity constantly and even increasingly. Many pandemics are still experienced in animals in the world. For this reason, pandemics caused by COVID-19 and its predecessors, such as SARS and MERS, should not be temporarily evaluated. The negative effects of pandemics will continue to increase in buildings and cities.


For this reason, it is necessary to increase the resistance of buildings, cities, infrastructures, economy, social systems and ecosystems to the expected effects of climate change. Building projects should not continue to be done with traditional approaches. It has been proven by the COVID-19 pandemic that an existing traditional building design practice is not resistant to pandemics.


ECOBUILD creates Pandemic and Infection Resistant Healthy Building Design service in accordance with international standards.


  1. Heating-Cooling-Ventilation-Plumbing Systems

  2. Electrical-Lighting Systems

  3. Architectural Design Criteria

  4. Operation Phase Applications

  5. Measures Concerning the Construction / Renovation Stages

  6. Application of WELL and LEED Standards



Measures in Buildings Should Be Considered Holistic

Known Practices Are Insufficient and Architectural Design is Required

Epidemics will continue. Buildings and other working environments must be made resistant to epidemic diseases in order for the economy to turn back after the epidemic. If the working environments are not made durable, the epidemic may recur and in a short time, including sensitive institutions, may adversely affect the state mechanism.


Technical Guides to be Applied Against Epidemics in Buildings are used by ECOBUILD for the renovation of existing and new buildings / offices in accordance with international standards. The precautions to be taken against the spread of epidemic diseases in existing buildings and then in New Buildings and Comprehensive Renovations should be addressed with the guides.


Measures in ECOBUILD Projects aim to minimize the possibility of bacteria and viruses that cause epidemic diseases to enter the building, if they do, to spread them inside the building and to eliminate the risk of contamination to building users. The Technical Guide to be Applied in Buildings Against Epidemic Diseases controls 90+ different technical criteria in the following main topics:


  1. Offices

  2. Business centers

  3. Shopping Malls

  4. Residences (Low-Storey / High-Storey)

  5. Schools and Libraries

  6. Hospitals and Quarantine Centers, Doctor's Office etc. Other Health Buildings

  7. Sports Facilities

  8. Warehouses

  9. Cities and Neighborhoods


Necessary Precautions Should Be Taken Urgently In Buildings Against Epidemic Diseases

In case of not taking measures, building workers and users are unprotected against Coronavirus and the like. Pandemics will cause loss of life in buildings, bankruptcy of businesses, economic losses and irreparable losses in sensitive institutions.


ECOBUILD creates Pandemic and Infection Resistant Healthy Building Design service in accordance with international standards. It makes a holistic and multi-dimensional project in order to prevent pandemics in buildings. All works meet international norms, Green Building certification conditions such as WELL Healthy Building and LEED, and are energy efficient.





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